Saving the 2024 Election: A Silver-Lining Solution

Bob Passi
4 min readJul 3, 2024


Silver-lining solutions occur when, out of what appeared to be an unmitigated disaster, somehow a totally unexpected solution appears which not only prevents the disaster from occurring, but also provides a better-than-expected resolution.

The Disaster

Well, it appeared as though, “the jig was up” for the Democratic Party, they had an assumed presidential candidate for the 2024 election, Joe Biden, whose lack of mental acuity seemed to be in full display in the debacle of the debate with Donald Trump on Thursday, June 27th. As you might expect, many of the party faithful do not want to abandon him while he is down and after his long history of faithful service. However, those who understand the ruthless realism of politics understand that sentiment has little to do with what actually takes place in our electoral process. What will happen to donations? What will happen to the under-ticket candidates? Will this simply serve to accentuate his other weaknesses? And, most of all, what are the polls saying?

None of this seems to bode well for the Democratic Party in the 2024 election.

The Goal

If the situation is to be salvaged, if democracy is to survive in our national politics, the most viable solution is for Joe Biden to step aside for the good of the nation and the survival of the Democratic Party. That removes the issue of mental acuity from the campaign. It also allows the Democrats to focus on their real goal, and hopefully the goal of many voters, that goal being to prevent Donald Trump from regaining the presidency. If Trump does regain the presidency, he is very likely to revamp our political system to be more supportive of a presidency that begins to look more and more like a budding dictatorship if the January 6th, 2020, insurrection is any indication. And forget about any action to attend to climate change. A Trump presidency would also mean further deregulating business, revamping the legal system and allowing discrimination and prejudice, limiting immigration, while moving in the direction of white supremacy, and moving the nation toward a much more isolationist international stance. And what will happen with the new immunity the Supreme Court is now allowing a sitting president?

If the real goal is to prevent another Trump presidency, what can be done to salvage this upcoming election if Joe Biden steps aside?

The Solution

So, are there other alternatives? Of course, there always are. The real question is are there alternatives that might actually salvage the 2024 election for the Democrats, i.e., provide a win over Donald Trump? This is not a time to begin to prepare someone for a presidential run in 2028 or later, it is a time to stop Donald Trump from winning if you expect there to be any viable options left in 2028 or later. This is not the time for politics as usual, with conventions and delegates and the political turmoil, it is an emergency and therefore requires quick and decisive action by the leadership; an emergency operation to save the democratic option for the nation.

There may be many options for replacing Biden, but the Democrats must not allow a long discussion of who that replacement should be. The longer that discussion is allowed to go on, the weaker the Democrats will appear. They need decisive action, Joe Biden stepping down and passing the baton to an apt replacement.

Who could that replacement possibly be who might look like a viable alternative?

Hilary Clinton

The answer is Hilary Clinton. She may be perfect for this situation. She is nationally recognizable. She has experience, has run for the presidency, has been Secretary of State, and, best of all, is not embroiled in the politics of the present situation. I cannot imagine that she would not see this request as an honor to serve the nation and the party.

Yes, she lost to Trump once before, but that was before we experienced Trump’s first term including his handling of Covid and instigating the Insurgency, not to mention his history of illegal actions, now being tried in the courts. Hilary Clinton could rally the women’s vote and be a real advocate for abortion rights and she would also bring back into the fold those who thought she should have won in 2016.

She would not be tied to supporting all of the Biden positions, recognizing that her election would provide an opportunity for a fresh start, a time of review and reevaluation after the election. Not only that, but her candidacy would also provide a way to sidetrack the Gaza issue, removing it from the campaign and allowing those who were so displeased with Biden’s position on Netanyahu and the atrocities in Gaza to have a viable option. This will require some political agility, which hopefully she has learned over the years.

Most importantly, from an unencumbered position, she would be able to confront Trump on the issues of honesty and ethics, which are his greatest potential weaknesses.

If the Democrats can orchestrate a swift and clean withdrawal by Joe Biden in favor of a proven effective option in Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party can turn this unfortunate reality into a winning strategy for the Party and for the nation, perhaps a silver-lining solution.



Bob Passi

Writing about politics and society, humanity, empowerment, short stories, poetry/Book: Saving Democracy: The 2016 Presidential Election,